Oh the Places I Find Her…

Riley likes to think she’s small enough to lounge on the back of our loveseat by the window.  I know she just needs to keep an ever-so-vigilant watch on the goings-on in our cul-de-sac, but really??

Yep, she is Chihuahua sized in her head!  I don’t know what all else goes on in that head…no telling!

Then I found Riley cuddling with Grandma watching TV in my bed.  I couldn’t resist snapping a picture, she looked too cute!

20 thoughts on “Oh the Places I Find Her…

  1. Apparently theres be no privacy around theres withs dat camera goin' off all da time….hehehe. Howevers, I has to agrees…about what be goin' on in Riley's head…bwhahahaha…I kid you. Her does look awfully darn cute withs da Grandma.I sees no reason what so evers why hers can't lay on da couch likes dat…I does it.Puddles

  2. Apparently theres be no privacy around theres withs dat camera goin' off all da time….hehehe. Howevers, I has to agrees…about what be goin' on in Riley's head…bwhahahaha…I kid you. Her does look awfully darn cute withs da Grandma.I sees no reason what so evers why hers can't lay on da couch likes dat…I does it.Puddles

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